Successfully Dairy Business Measures

Jai Gaumata and Greetings to all of us.

Friends, we are from Gujarat and have been implementing for Gaumata for many years. Our only goal is to get Desi Gaumata their place and honor in India and people all over India should use the product of Gaumata in their daily life, which can save the cow and also give good health and sacred thoughts to the society of India.

Animal husbandry and Farming are considered to be the oldest occupations in India. Millions of farmers are doing farming and animal husbandry in India today and a large part of their income comes from this business. Today, many educated youth and big corporate are also coming into the animal husbandry and farming business, which is a very good thing, only with the efforts of such people, the business of farming and animal husbandry will be promoted. But after a lot of practice, we have seen that most of the Desi Gaumata's Gaushala is not successful and when we tried to find out the reason, we have got some things which we are keeping before you. We have seen that most of the new people who are coming into the dairy business do not have full knowledge of indigenous cows  and farming, they are coming into business after being influenced by social media and other people. The wrong attitude of the new cow herders is the reason for the failure.

When we visited many Desi Gaumata's Gaushala, we saw that most of them ie 98% Gaushala is very struggling to sustain its existence. We are very sad to see that in today's era there are only a few peoples who are doing something for Desi Gaumata and they are also failing. When we and many of our friends saw why Gaushala was not able to succeed and what was the reason for this failure and after a lot of effort we saw that people who are coming to work with Desi Gaumata these days No knowledge about Desi Gaumata and about Gaupalan. Then we thought that we would make an effort to let the new Gopalakas working with Desi Gaumata reach them in a very simple language with the methodical and many old people’s experience.

We have met with many experienced Gopalakas and have discussed with them the topic of how to make Gaushala successful. We have known many farmer brothers about their experiences. In the book that we are successfully putting before you the measures of dairy business, there are many useful and full of experiences which will be very useful to you and you will be able to build a successful Gaushala. 

If you want to get a lot of success in the dairy business of Desi Gaumata, then this book can prove very useful for you. Our wish is that the land of India should again be covered with the cow's milk and the place of Gaumata can be established in every house.

Within our "Successful Dairy Business Measures", very important information has been given on all the topics below. We hope that with this book you will be able to succeed in your business. 

v  - The importance of Desi Gaumata in India.

v  - What is your thinking and what should be done for Desi Gaumata's dairy Farm.

v  - All the measures required to make a Desi Gaumata Dairy Farm.

v  - How to plan the Cowshed.

v  - To link farming with the Gaushala.

v  - Which cow breed should be selected.

v  - How to identify good breed dairy cow.

v  - What should be the Food for Gaumata and its Measures.

v  - Measures to take good milk production.

v  - What should Nandi be like and measures for Gausavardhana.

v  - How to prepare good Male and Female calves.

v  - Diseases and remedies occurring inside Gaumata.

v  - Measures to manage workers.

v  - Which products should be made in dairy farms?

v  - Marketing measures for dairy farm products.

v  - Arouse the spirit of Gauseva in the society from the Gaushala of Gaumata.

v  - Some important information which is very important for the Gaushala.


So Please Order Today our E Book and Get Success in your Dairy Farming.

In our E Book we cover Experience of Many Successful Dairy Farmers.

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